Dolphin 2.9 Llama 3 8B Uncensored Now Available for iOS

We're pleased to announce Private LLM v1.8.0 for iOS, which introduces support for the new Dolphin 2.9 Llama 3 8B model. This model provides uncensored AI chatbot functionality on iPhones and iPads, which may include NSFW content. Also, it aims to handle complex AI tasks, such as coding, conversational interfaces, and instruction-based queries, directly from your iPhone or iPad, all running locally on your device.

Developed by Eric Hartford, Lucas Atkins, Fernando Fernandes, and Cognitive Computations, Dolphin 2.9 is based on the GPT-like Llama 3 family to provide a robust, uncensored AI experience. This model operates without filters on its outputs, aiming for a more natural interaction style, even if that means occasionally generating NSFW responses. It's crafted to handle detailed and complex tasks efficiently, suited especially for users who require depth and unmoderated responses to their queries.

With Private LLM, your privacy is paramount. All data processing and storage takes place directly on your device, ensuring your information, NSFW or not, stays solely on your iPhone or iPad. Plus, the app works completely offline, so you can enjoy AI roleplaying or explore other AI capabilities without any internet connection, all thanks to the local GPT-based model.

Screenshot of Dolphin 2.9 Llama 3 8B Uncensored running on iPhone
Dolphin 2.9 Llama 3 8B Uncensored running on iPhone
Screenshot of Dolphin 2.9 Llama 3 8B Uncensored Running on iPad
Dolphin 2.9 Llama 3 8B Uncensored Running on iPad

Download Dolphin 2.9 Llama 3 8B Uncensored on iPhone or iPad:

To get started with the Dolphin 2.9 Llama 3 8B Uncensored chatbot on your iPhone or iPad, simply update to Private LLM v1.8.0 or later. You can download the app from the App Store, and once it's installed, you can immediately access this new model and start exploring its potential for roleplaying and other AI tasks, even if they involve NSFW content.

We can't wait for you to experience it firsthand and share your thoughts on how we can keep enhancing Private LLM to better serve your needs, whether you're into NSFW roleplay or just need a powerful local GPT-based AI assistant.

Download Private LLM on the App Store
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